Sportingly, La Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe 2022 will be one of all superlatives, bringing together a historic record of 138 participants. If OC Sport Pen Duick has done everything possible to offer sailors the opportunity to compose such a field, the organizer of the event is also preparing to provide the best experience for visitors who will go to Saint-Malo and Pointe-à-Pitre, to keep the event all the popular fervor that characterizes it. But for the celebration to be complete and lasting, it must now be accompanied by a structured sustainable development dynamic.
“Sport in general, and the Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe in particular, have the power to reach and widely influence not only those who participate in the events, but also the entire public who engage and follow the events. exploits of sailors.
By integrating sustainable development issues, we give even more meaning to our actions and we fully play our role as an impact platform and sounding board to inform, raise awareness and promote around these major environmental issues linked to sustainable development. ocean, explains Joseph Bizard, General Director of OC Sport Pen Duick.
Maximizing the reach of commitments thanks to Surfrider Foundation Europe
To support this strategy, OC Sport Pen Duick has chosen to rely on Surfrider Foundation Europe which becomes an NGO partner of La Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe. A choice based on common values and the desire to raise awareness among the general public about the protection of the Ocean. Association created by surfers in 1984 in the United States and in 1990 in Europe, it acts for the protection of the Ocean. Engaged in numerous areas, it supports and engages citizens, businesses and stakeholders in the maritime world so that everyone is an actor of change. It also acts concretely with institutions (particularly European) to develop environmental laws. For three years, Surfrider Foundation Europe has also supported European sports structures (federations, associations, clubs, sports equipment) so that they implement environmentally friendly practices.
Throughout the duration of La Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, the NGO teams will raise awareness among the general public about the protection of the Ocean through a strong presence in the village, educational actions and promotional actions to reach as many people as possible. They will also offer conferences focused on solutions to reduce its environmental footprint. “It is with great pleasure and pride that we too are embarking on this Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe,” declares Florent Marcoux, director of Surfrider Foundation Europe. It is a pleasure to participate in this human and sporting adventure which animates and enthuses the entire ocean community that we share, and a pride to be able to contribute alongside OC Sport Pen Duick to the individual or collective ecological transition of the marine world. To do this, we are committed to making our teams, employees or volunteers, our experience and our know-how available to amplify and give resonance to the eco-responsible approach undertaken by OC Sport Pen Duick to all stakeholders in this iconic race. Thank you for this trust! ".
This campaign deployed alongside Surfrider Foundation Europe will be accompanied by an action plan to reduce the footprint of the event on all of the organization's critical contact points by working, in particular, on emissions and the carbon footprint of the race.
It will focus in particular, initially, around the production of a post-event carbon assessment in order to know the sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and to define a medium and long-term reduction trajectory. and establish an action plan for the future.